
The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002 is a package of reforms that will ensure meaningful access to the democratic process for all New Yorkers.

New York has developed a plan to implement the Act's provisions and access the federal funds needed to ensure compliance. The plan may be viewed below and copies are available at county boards of elections and public libraries across the state and at the State Board of Elections.


Summary of Federal Legislation

The plans below outline steps to implement the New York State HAVA State Plan.

2009 Amended State Plan 

Approved 2003 Implementation Plan 

HAVA Complaint Form

Any person who believes that there is a violation of any provision of Title III of HAVA, which has occurred, is occurring, or is about to occur, may file a Formal Complaint with the State Board of Elections. HAVA Formal Complaints may only be filed with the State Board of Elections.

HAVA Formal Complaint Form 




Related Law

HAVA Determinations

View a record of HAVA determinations dating back to 2008.